子品牌 ✦ 啵尼啵尼工作室 / 創作者好友客製化接單
旗下「啵尼兔FORTUNE & COOKIES!」插畫品牌產品多為創作者自行設計、打樣與製作,近期成立「啵尼啵尼工作室」支線品牌,除了舉辦商品線上投稿、投票,讓紛絲參與啵尼兔的商品製作,並發布成品製作過程,打造創作者親手設計與製作具有溫度的商品形象,未來將邀請其他插畫品牌進行聯名,共同製作合作商品。
We at HUOLI.PRINT CO., LTD. specialize in customized goods. Our brand, FORTUNE & COOKIES!, features products designed and produced by creators. Recently, we launched a sub-brand, Bonnie Bonnie Studio, which allows fans to submit and vote on product designs online and shares the production process. We aim to create a warm, handmade image and plan to collaborate with other illustration brands for co-branded products.